But each and every experience taught me something different. I learned how to grieve, I learned how to mourn, I learned how to honor the possible. I learned FAITH and to lean on my people.
( And I have so many people- thankful for all of them...too many to name. How would I have done it without my tribe?)
And I have so many sisters who have known that pain. It takes my breath away really. There are so many of us- I have had the privilege to meet some amazing women and men, Moms and Dads who keep the memory of their lost child close and soldier on to help others. This isn't a journey I would choose or wish for anyone, but I feel so privileged to have been included on it.
There are so few ways to talk about the loss of an unborn child- and we don't have community rituals to make it easier. Most of us are just making it up as we go. When we baptized Andrew we lit a candle for all the babies we didn't meet and all the parents who have known that pain. My dear friend Olivia helped lead a memorial service to remember all those babies, I have helped facilitate groups for others, I have lit candles and released balloons. Last month I got a new tattoo, I like the idea that these children who left my body too soon are represented on my body in some way.
There are so many other ways people choose to honor and remember those lives- the point is that we need to acknowledge and grieve and step into the journey. Grief is the only mechanism I know that brings healing in the face of loss. I have seen this in my own life and in my work. No matter what model you talk about, stages, or steps or tasks of grief it all comes down to one basic pri
niciple. Change brings loss and we need to heal from that loss if we are to move on to the next place in our life.

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