Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Enough Already

     I have been thinking about enough lately.  I say "enough already" roughly 20 times a week.  Usually I say to my children to indicate I have had enough of their bickering or general mayhem.  Sometimes I whisper it to myself when I am on the last inch of patience I have. Sometimes I say it to my husband to let him know I have received whatever message he is sending loud and clear.   In the trenches of junior high homework with my son we have settled for "good enough" when it comes to worksheets etc.   And I have certainly been guilty of feeling that I don't have enough of whatever is I'm stressing about- enough money, time etc. But I've been really thinking about what is enough?   What if just for today I behaved as if I were enough and if I had enough?  Enough of whatever I need, enough grace, determination, resources.  What if I behaved as if I were enough? Smart enough, capable enough.  (Insert Steward Smalley joke here).  But what if I extended that to those around me?  
       Whenever I begin  working with someone new I start with what's strong not what's wrong.  And I truly believe that the resources we need for healing and growth are ever present, even if we aren't aware of it.  So with my clients we are constantly uncovering the "enough" in their lives.   I need to do some digging in my own life to find the "enough"  and to extend that "enough" to those closest to me.   I'm reading Brene Brown's  "The Gifts of Imperfection"  and her take on self compassion is really really good.   That's what treating myself and others as "enough" feels like showing compassion to myself.   So- today I challenge you to say "Enough Already" and mean it- you are enough and you have enough.  
PS  There is never enough Chipotle guacomole.  That may be the exception that proves the rule...

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