Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Here we are almost half way through December and I don't have a hashtag for the month.  November was #yesvember  (thank you Kid Presdient) and October was #honestOctober (thank you Kelly Berry Parker).  December is a tricky month for me.  Its my birthday month which until recently has been a time of great jubilation at my house, but this year I'm just not feeling it.  Its Christmas, which is so insanely busy it sends me into slow motion.  The end of the year is also when I close out things for my business and set goals for next year.  But it is also Advent, which is my favorite season of the year.  I watched a great video about Advent being a time to "Be Still" and then I read this brilliant, eye opening and heart opening piece by Anne Lamott.   So I'm declaring this month's hashtag #bestill.  One of the projects I'm working on right now is a seminar about self care and preventing burnout.  If there were ever a motto for self care #bestill would be that motto.   In the spirit of being still and self care I will now post the tasks I accomplished this morning.  Not the to do list I should have done but the truth of what I really did.  Here goes:

1. Dropped kids of at school ON TIME.  Thats a biggie, and I was feeling pretty proud until I realized the youngest didn't have his backpack. #ohwell

2. Made myself an egg and sausage for breakfast.  Living in the land of Lucky Charms and PopTarts most of the time means this is a pretty big one too.  Felt like a full fledged culinary rock star.  Maybe breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, and self care should start with a good breakfast.

3.  Watched two episodes of The New Girl because it makes me laugh. I was also checking email and putting away laundry.  #winning  Nothing wrong with a little mindless multi tasking.  Laughter is proven to improve all aspects of life, even laundry. Also, I took some super cute pics and posted on IG (check it out they are really cute)

4. Took the dog on an extended walk.  No brainer, exercise especially in the sunshine improves mood.
While on the walk I found a perfectly shaped and sized pinecone, briefly considered staging a photo and selling it on IG (see above skills) because this is apparently a thing selling pinecones from your yard.  Decided not to enter the fray and tossed the pinecone aside.

5. Wrote and discarded a rambling blog about a sweatshirt I had in college.

6. Spent 10 minutes looking for an appropriate hair tie.  Failing to find one I called to schedule a hair cut instead. Also, I pulled some good friends in the medical field away from their job saving lives to answer questions via text about botox (advisability) and popcorn makers (availability).   From this we learn two things, reaching out to friends always makes us feel better.  And sometimes you gotta cut your losses and change things up.  I'll be wearing a hat for a while, but c'est la vie.

So that's it, most of it anyway.  I read, laughed, reached out to friends, exercised and ate like a grown up.   That's how I spent my morning being still and practicing self care. I won't list all the things on my list I didn't do, because being still is about being present.  And I feel 100% better than I did when I was staring at my to do list this morning.  

How can you #bestill and practice radical self care this season?  Share your thoughts in the comments.  We can all be still together and learn from one another.

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