Wednesday, January 13, 2016

School Supplies and Social Work Students

Its Intern season!  No that's not a thing, but I just made it one.  In Social Work programs one semester per year is set aside for "field placement" which  is  a fancy way of saying "on the job training, get in there and get your hands dirt, you only learn by doing."  Field is such a crucial part of social work training, I am honored to serve as a placement site for my alma mater, the University of Alabama.  Today I was as excited and nervous as if I were starting school because today is my student's first day!  I even bought school supplies, didn't need them just wanted to mark the occasion somehow.  So let me introduce you to Jana Bazell who was gracious enough to share her photo, and a short bio for the blog.

My name is Jana Bazzell. I am married to my best friend and we have a six year old daughter and new bundle of joy on the way! I am a 2014 graduate of Judson College with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with an emphasis of Equine Facilitated Mental Health and a minor in Equine Science and I am a PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor. I am currently an MSW graduate student at the University of Alabama as well as a full-time employee of the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries. I hope to earn my Master’s degree in Social Work by next summer and continue as a Social Worker with ABCH. Eventually I would like to open a private practice as a counselor specializing in a version of play therapy and trauma based interventions that would utilize horses in the therapy model.

Welcome Jana!  Its going to be a great Intern Season. 

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