Thursday, May 4, 2017

Sarah's graduating next week and this is her last day at Social Work Solutions. I love having students working in the office, except for when its time to say goodbye.   Here are her thoughts on this experience.

As my time at Social Work Solutions comes to a close, I’m beginning to notice what a big part of my life my internship has been for the past nine months. I have learned numerous clinical skills and had fun getting to know Jennifer and all the clients that I have encountered. Although people who come into the office for therapy are most often sad or in need of help, I have learned that many people have strengths they don’t normally notice or know about themselves and it has been my greatest pleasure to help them notice those things. I would advise anyone looking for help to take a look inside yourself and search for your strengths; they will help you on your journey.
            Thank you to Jennifer for sharing yourself both professionally and personally. I have loved hearing stories of your family and about your experiences as a social worker. I will keep your gentle mannerisms and upfront ways with me throughout my career. Most of all, thanks for showing me true authenticity.
            I’m so excited to graduate after having begun this journey eight years ago and thanks to all of you who have been a part of it. Cheers!

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