Friday, August 14, 2015

Hello, Goodbye, Hello

 Oh my gosh, it seems like just yesterday I set up a Skype call with a potential MSW Student Intern from Edinboro University.   Working with Emily has been a fabulous experience and I am going to miss having her in the office terribly.  I thought we'd have a Q&A session with Emily (better late than never) and also shed a little light on what exactly an MSW Student Intern does.

The Master's in Social Work Course of Study requires two semesters of practicum or field placement work.  Students are placed in social agencies or practices for several days a week and given instruction and real world experience.  For me and for many students it is the most important part of their graduate education as it provides the opportunity to actually do what you are learning about in class.

Emily has been with Social Work Solutions for a year now.  That time frame is a bit unusual but she was finishing up some hours from a previous university so I have had the distinct pleasure of watching her growth over the past year.   Her duties have included leading groups in elementary schools as part of a community grant to teach conflict resolution.  Emily has also co-led a teen pregnancy group and a parenting group for parents and teens.  Additionally, she has maintained a caseload of children and families with whom she has provided play based therapy and interventions.  Plus, she is my go to when I need a project completed, a flyer designed, a spreadsheet done.  Basically, she's awesome.

Here's a bit about the year from her perspective:

Q.  How and why did you choose to pursue a degree in Social Work? 

A. I chose to pursue a degree in social work, because it seemed like a logical extension of my interests and abilities. I find the research aspect of social work to be interesting. Additionally I liked how social work takes a broader approach when looking at people. 

Q. What has been the most rewarding part of your internship? 

A. The most rewarding part of my internship is helping clients meet their treatment goals. It is exciting when clients reach certain milestones.

Q. What has been the most challenging? 

A. The most challenging aspect of this internship is adapting to how diverse the clients are. In my previous internships, the range of issues that clients were seeking assistance on was much narrower. It has been a wonderful challenge to work with individuals with very different concerns. 

Q. What advice would you give to other MSW students about to graduate? 

A. I would encourage fellow MSW graduates to subscribe to social work podcasts or journals, so that they continue to be exposed to a wide range of professional developments. I am going to miss having access to the university-provided article databases!

Q. What kind of work do you hope to pursue post graduation?

A.  Working with families with young children is a particular interest of mine. However, one of my favorite things about social work is the breadth of options available.  

I cannot wait to see where Emily lands, she is capable and resourceful and kind.  It has been such a pleasure to have her on board.  And FYI she is looking for social work jobs in the Prattville/ Montgomery area so if you need one call her.

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